【編譯余友梅/報導】著名牧師和基督教作家提摩太.凱勒(Tim Keller)近日說:「上帝『聽到』那些為我與胰腺癌奮戰代禱的人的聲音了!」他在推特(Twitter)上透露醫師對他採取的治療方法生效了。
這位紐約市救贖主長老教會(Redeemer Presbyterian Church)的創會牧師表示,他的腫瘤醫師告訴他,八月24日進行的電腦斷層掃描結果「非常令人振奮」。
凱勒寫道:「我們謙卑地懇求大家繼續為這個療法的有效性和最小副作用代禱。 您的禱告和關心的重要性是我們無法用言語形容的。非常感謝!」
...and, while there are indeed some side effects, my doctor says I’m tolerating the treatment very well. I have not been seriously debilitated and I can still do some work and ministry. 2/5
— Timothy Keller (@timkellernyc) August 28, 2020
Yesterday we also met with my oncologist to go over the scans taken on Monday to assess the effectiveness of the chemotherapy. The report is very encouraging. There has been shrinkage of the tumors and so we are continuing the chemo in order to diminish the cancer further. 3/5 — Timothy Keller (@timkellernyc) August 28, 2020
Our situation has driven us to seek God’s face as we never before. He is giving us more of his sensed presence, more freedom from our besetting sins, more dependence on his Word---things that we had sought for years, but only under these circumstances are we finding them. 4/5
— Timothy Keller (@timkellernyc) August 28, 2020
We humbly beg that you all continue your prayers for the effectiveness of the treatment and minimal side effects to accompany it. Your prayers and concern mean more than we can express. Thanks so much! Tim and Kathy 5/5 — Timothy Keller (@timkellernyc) August 28, 2020
基督教作家兼老師崔林.紐貝爾(Trillin Newbell)寫道:「感謝你的近況更新,繼續禱告!」
教授兼牧師丹尼.伯克(Denny Burk)說:「弟兄,現在就禱告。感謝你分享此則更新。」
牧師兼基督教作家詹姆斯.梅里特(James Merritt)回應:「為你的完全康復祈禱!」
在此次罹癌前,凱勒牧師曾在多年與甲狀腺癌奮戰。在2008年,他告訴《第一件事》(First Things),他與病魔纏鬥後,幫助他消除了對上帝的懷疑。那次經驗啟發了他寫下《我為什麼相信》(The Reason for God),這本書被認為是理解上帝信仰邏輯的入門書。