◎作者楚雲 譯者王美萱
我們不追求巨大 We do not purse bigness 也不妄求强大 Nor desire in vain strength
但我們期待迎向偉大 But we look forward to ushering in greatness
高山的的巔峰絕頂 The highest peak of the tallest mountain
從不巨碩 Is never huge
甚至微小 May even be tiny
卻超乎天下 Yet it surpasses all
只因它仰望無限的浩瀚 Only because it lifts its head towards vastness
又立足堅實 And plant its foot on firmness
無可撼動 Not to be moved
因而成就了大地所欣羨的 Therefore achieving what the earth envies
卓越與萬丈高度 Excellence and supreme height