◎作者楚雲 譯者王美萱
不只信任神的能力 To trust not only in God’s power
更堅信神的智慧 But to firmly believe in His wisdom
精心佈局 His mindful plans
不只信任神的作為 To trust not only in God’s actions
更深信神的心 But to deeply believe in His heart
本為美善 His eternal goodness
祂的智慧 His wisdom
使能力在最後關鍵時刻 Causes power in that last critical moment
無可阻擋的扭轉逆勢 To revert adversity in an unstoppable fashion
讓風浪卻步 Calming the winds and waves
祂的心 His heart
使作為在撞擊四起的局面 Causing action in the tumultuous situation
無可改變的守護良善 To protect goodness that is unchangeable
讓幽暗遁逃 Letting darkness flee
智慧讓萬事效力 Wisdom causes all things to work together
良善讓生命輝煌 Goodness causes life to shine in radiance